Home of Toronto's most tranquil and affordable sailing community.
Your cottage in the city.

APSC has a vibrant weekly racing series, held on windless Wednesday and pre-planned weekends for our Summer Regattas.
Come out for great fun on the water and an awesome BBQ meal and refreshments after the race.
We break our fleet into two PHRF divisions, Above 200 and Below 200. We typically have 12-16 boats on the line on a given day and our race courses are primarily in the Outer Harbour and range over to Dufferin Bell Buoy for a distance race.
We race weekly from approximately mid-May to mid=October.
Start times are 18:30-17:30 depending on time of year. Race Committee is handled by volunteer club members who use their own boats as the Committee boat. RC earn volunteer hours, so Committee Boat duties are a great way to earn some of your hours and support your fellow racers.
If you haven’t come out for a APSC Wednesday Race Night, you’re missing one of the most enjoyable parts of being a club member.
We race to win but mostly we race to gather and have a great time on the water.
The dinners after Race Nights have become legendary! Join us as Race Committee, or polish up your bottom and join the fray.
Skipper’s Meeting is 18:15 every Wednesday.
See our Events listing for all scheduled Races.
We need cooks and Race Committee for each and every Wednesday race night.