Home of Toronto's most tranquil and affordable sailing community.
Your cottage in the city.
Slav Domurat House and Ground Director
How our solar system works and how to take care of it
How to install battery level monitoring app from Renogy
How to check battery level using Renogy DC Home app
As you are all aware we do not have hydro lines running to our Clubhouse at APSC and we are solely relying on our solar system to provide and supply power to all our facilities on site: clubhouse, washrooms, generator shed, ore shed, motor shed, security cameras, starlink internet. This system was recently upgraded and is working very well, but it has its limitations.
As we all know that we only getting our batteries recharge when the sun is shining. During cloudy days we do not have enough solar input to fully recharge our batteries. We have constant draw on our system since now we have freezer, refrigerator, starlink and our security cameras working 24/7. Our current battery bank capacity is 1000 Amp/hr. It seems a lot, but if you consider constant amperage draw due to all appliances that are plugged in and constantly using power, we only have enough power to run it all for about 2-3 days – if there is no sun shining, assuming the batteries were fully charged to begin with.
We all should be aware and mindful of energy use while in clubhouse and all other facilities that required power input. Do not turn and leave all lights on in the clubhouse when you are not there. Conserve our energy in our battery bank especially during cloudy days when there is not much charge from the sun coming in.
Please be especially mindful on days where we have social events at the club
Any electric appliances at the clubhouse: coffee maker, microwave are using lots of electricity when running. Do not run two of these appliances at the same time, since it will trip our invertor that has 3000W capacity and entire power will be out. It has happened in the past. You need to remember that we only have batteries to run our facilities and we should not waste any energy if not needed.
Think of our club as your own boat. You always check your batteries status when you come into your boat to make sure your battery bank is fully charged and ready to run your equipment. If you don’t have enough power in your battery bank, you will not be able to run your boat properly. This is the same for our clubhouse. We do have gasoline generator that we can use to charge up our batteries, if there is no sun shining for few days and we are running low on batteries, but this should be only use when absolutely necessary.
Most of the time our solar panels will provide enough energy to charge up our battery bank. It looks like I am the only one who is really monitoring our solar system and everyone else is just using it, taking for granted that the power will always be there…. Everyone should be monitoring and checking our battery state of charge and use power responsibly. If our battery bank is below 25% of its capacity, perhaps we should not be using any tools/appliances or lights in our clubhouse that will drain our battery even faster.
This App allows you to check our battery bank state of charge, so you are aware how much energy is available for everyone to use.
Go to App store and search for Renogy DC Home app. Click download.
Once the app is downloaded, open it
Choose settings for your location. It does not matter if you allow once, allow while using App or don’ use. Anything will work. Whatever make you comfortable.
Open the App and you will need to sign up first or if you already have an account setup, log in
Once you sign up, there will be few steps: you need your email address, set password, you need to send verification code to your email address, input that code into the app when ask for it and you should be good to go. Once you enter the app, you should click on “Plus + symbol in the top right cornerand select add devices.
Make sure you have your Bluetooth turned On and stay within 5m of the generator shed. Searching for device message will appear. Wait until all 5 batteries pup up and then confirm. Now you will be able to see state of charge for each battery and total percentage of our battery bank. If you need help talk to me and I will guideyour through this process.

Go to App store and search for Renogy DC Home app. Click download.

Once the app is downloaded, open it

Once you sign up, there will be few steps: you need your email address, set password, you need to send verification code to your email address, input that code into the app when ask for it and you should be good to go. Once you enter the app, you should click on “Plus + symbol in the top right cornerand select add devices. Make sure you have your Bluetooth turned On and stay within 5m of the generator shed. Searching for device message will appear. Wait until all 5 batteries pup up and then conf

Go to App store and search for Renogy DC Home app. Click download.